One Day, One Photo

When you’re making a mad scramble across a continent and back sometimes you have to devote the day to driving and miss out on the photos. Some days you’re lucky to get one shot. Today was that day. But it was a decent shot – a vertical panorama on the phone because my camera couldn’t …

Rogers Pass

This one captures, to me, captures both the wonder and danger of winter travel in the mountains of British Columbia – the magnificence of the setting sun around the corner and the first hints of the storm that’s about to hit. I hear those two words together – Rogers Pass – and I automatically think …

A Dry Waterfall

Is exactly what it says it is. In one of the driest places in North America if not the world it sits there as a reminder that time changes things. Even rock if given the time. Length: 1 mi (3.2km) out and back round tripTime: 45 minutes round tripDifficulty: EasyElevation Gain: 86 ft (26m)Location: The unpaved Natural Bridge Road is …

A Tree Named Joshua

By the mid-19th century, Mormon immigrants had made their way across the Colorado River. Legend has it that these pioneers named the tree after the biblical figure, Joshua, seeing the limbs of the tree as outstretched in supplication, guiding the travelers westward.  the National Park Service Amazingly enough when you’re driving along or hiking in …

Cliff Dwellers

The “Island Trail” at Walnut Canyon is not exactly an island, or at least it hasn’t been for a very long time even when the Sinagua (Spanish for “without water”), made their homes in these cliffs high above the canyon floor. Up to four hundred people may have lived in these cliff dwelling at one …


At some point about 50,000 years ago during the Pleistocene epoch,  everyone in the general area of what later was Northeastern Arizona looked up and that was it…. A place I always wanted to see – I blame the “The Wonderful World of Disney” – Meteor Crater in Arizona lived up to it’s billing of being …

Long Live Rock

When you drive, a lot, alone, music becomes incredibly important. Then again music has always been incredibly important to me – helped me, as it has many, through both the rough spots and the good times of life. I’m quite certain I never would have survived the trials of high school and the ups and …

Rattlesnakes & Ruins

One thing about traipsing around historic sites in Canada you rarely have to worry about the rattlesnakes. Things are a little different in New Mexico. As you set down the footpath to the Pueblo ruins at Abo & Quaria the sign above greets you. Noted. The ruins themselves were fascinating even with the absence, thankfully …