Northern Latitudes: Gwynne Dyer Intervention Earth

Episode Title: Intervention Earth: Geoengineering and Our Climate Future
Podcast: Northern Latitudes
Host: Bill Ault
Guest: Gwynne Dyer
Release Date: May 13th, 2024


In this episode of Northern Latitudes, host Bill Ault is joined by renowned author and historian Gwynne Dyer to discuss his latest book, “Intervention Earth.” The conversation delves into the controversial yet critical topic of geoengineering and its potential role in tackling the global climate crisis.

Here are some useful links for more information about Gwynne Dyer, his career, and his writings:

  1. Gwynne Dyer’s Official Website: This site provides comprehensive information about Gwynne Dyer, including a biography, excerpts from his books, and details on his speaking engagements. It also offers access to his articles and updates on his latest work. Gwynne Dyer’s Official Website
  2. Wikipedia Page on Gwynne Dyer: This page offers detailed information about his personal life, educational background, and extensive works, including his books and documentaries. Gwynne Dyer – Wikipedia
  3. Penguin Random House Author Page: This page provides details about his publications available through Penguin Random House, highlighting his significant contributions to discussions on military history and current global affairs. Gwynne Dyer at Penguin Random House

These resources should give you a well-rounded view of Gwynne Dyer’s professional accomplishments and literary contributions.

Solar Geo-Engineering: Reports from science academies

Reflecting Sunlight: Recommendations for Solar Geo-engineering Research and Research Governance” National Academy of Sciences, 2021.

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) first pointed to geoengineering in their 1977 Energy and Climate report, and with more detail in the 1983 Changing Climate report. The NAS recommended research in 1992 and 2015. 

Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth,” National Research Council, 2015.

Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty,” The Royal Society, 2009.

The U.K. Royal Society report was the first by a scientific academy focused exclusively on geoengineering.

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