#climatebrawl – Gerald Kutney

Episode Three – Northern Latitudes: Find Your Way PodCast

In this episode guest, Gerald Kutney and I discuss climate change denialism, the politics of oil and the Ottawa protest…

Gerald is a commentator on MSM and social media on the politics of the climate crisis. He has authored the book Carbon Politics and the Failure of the Kyoto Protocol and is currently working on #ClimateBrawl: The Politics of the Climate Crisis. Gerald is also known for having inspired the popular hashtag on Twitter: “#ClimateBrawl.”

He is a climate activist on social media, ranked in the top global influencers in Climate Science & Forecast on Twitter, commonly appears in the top ten of Twitter network analyses on climate change and related topics, and was the #1 global influencer for “Education & Public Awareness in the #ClimateChange Debate.”

He has a Ph.D. in chemistry and is an elected Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. He was an adjunct professor at the University of Northern British Columbia and taught the graduate course Climate Change & Global Warming. Now living in Ottawa, he has presented several guest lectures at Carleton University on climate change denial.

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