A short, 12:48, animated film – An Island – caught my eye today. Not sure how I ended up on the “Topic” web site but I’m glad I did.

A man sets out for a desolate island, with the goal of conquering the mountain at its center. But the higher he climbs, the clearer it becomes that the grief of a recent loss will find him at any altitude.

– An Island description from Topic

Directed by Rory Byrne and that’s all I know about the person behind it. What he has done is capture in simple animation the beauty of nature, the fragility of life and the strength and courage of perseverance.

This little piece starts with a voyage, by jeep, then boat and finally on foot as the central character looks to deal with the emotion of losing his wife (my assumption) by climbing.

We all deal with loss differently but I’d argue getting out into the world is the best way for many of us.

Some climb. Some walk. Some run. Some cycle. Some of us drive.

We all move.